Embrace The Process                                                                             

And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. (Romans 8:28)

Pursuing your goals and dreams is a journey. Some achieve theirs faster, while some might take longer. It isn’t always easy as we would like it to be. We must learn to be resilient along the way. Always rely on God and never give up.

1. Always Go Back To The “Why”

The journey of pursuing our goals and dreams can be a lonely and frustrating process sometimes. Maybe people won’t understand you – some may even mock you- or maybe, you are having a hard time juggling things, especially if you just started. Therefore, we must start with a strong “why,” – why we are doing this, and what is the purpose of sacrificing our time and energy to achieve our goals and dreams? Whenever you feel like you can’t go on, or are tempted to give up, go back to your “why.” Review your vision board as a constant reminder.

2. God Use Process To Train Us

All things work together for good (Romans 8:28); God won’t let our process go to waste and will always use it to train us so we can fulfil our goals.

Often, God will make us undergo rigorous training before we get to where we want to be. In Genesis, Joseph received his calling through dreams when he was only seventeen years old. Yet, he was sold into slavery and served Potiphar, was accused by his wife and been to jail for thirteen years, before getting promoted as prime minister in Egypt. God allowed this to happen to humble him, learn work and management skills, and to rely on God. If Joseph did not work diligently while he was only a slave and insist on integrity when Potiphar’s wife tried to seduce him, chances are he wouldn’t have been promoted as the prime minister in the end, saving Egypt and his family from famine. We won’t have this remarkable story to read and learn from.

3. Track Your Wins

Often we are so caught up in our current situation that we forget to pause and appreciate that we have already made progress. Let’s create a system and track down all the good things that we have done. Perhaps your Social Media follower count has increased, or maybe, you have made that first sale for your newly launched product. Or you may have received positive feedback from your client. Write it down, and review it from time to time as a reminder that you are making progress.

4. Learn About Other’s People Story

Be it through social media, blogs, or interviews, you will know that you are not alone when you learn about other people’s process and experience before their incredible success.

4. Don’t Run The Race Alone

Pray with other supportive people at least once per week if possible. Join a mastermind or community group for support.

Maybe we are not at the stage where we want to be right now. We might be stuck at a job we don’t really enjoy and have to deal with difficult bosses and colleagues. There might be moments of frustration as we are still trying to figure out how to run our business. However, these are the moments when God molds us to inculcate Godly characteristics, so we could do bigger things for Him. May we hold on to Him and trust that God won’t waste our process, so we can see our dreams come true in God’s perfect timing.