Who Is The King? – 1 Samuel Chapter 8
I’m not sure how people feel when they look at Malaysia’s (or own country’s) political situation. I personally feel a bit upset – the chaos, the injustice, the way they want to Islamize the whole country. We have been looking forward to revolutionary for such a long time. We thought the victory is near, yet it has burst off like bubbles. Then the story of 1 Samuel Chapter 8 drop on my heart.
The Story:
Once upon a time in Israel, there was a man called Samuel. He was the judge (or leader) of the country. As he grew old, he appointed his sons to be judges. Samuel was a loyal and faithful man to God; however, His sons were not like him. They were wicked, greedy for money, accepted bribes, and perverted justice. Finally, the elders of Israel went to Samuel and request for a king to lead them, just like all the other nations have. Samuel was displeased. He went to the Lord for guidance, and the Lord told him: “Do everything they say to you,” the Lord replied, “for they are rejecting me, not you. They don’t want me to be their king any longer. Ever since I brought them from Egypt, they have continually abandoned me and followed other gods. And now they are giving you the same treatment. Do as they ask, but solemnly warn them about the way a king will reign over them.” (1 Samuel 8:7-9). So Samuel passed on the Lord’s warnings to the people- how the king will take advantage of them. Yet, the people refused to listen to Samuel’s warning. They said: “We want to be like the nations around us. Our king will judge us and lead us into battle.” (1 Samuel 8:20) And the Lord told Samuel to do as they say and give them a king.
It seems like our country has a similar situation as Israel at that time – leaders who were greedy for money, accepted bribes, and perverted justice. I am sure God was already aware of that. Yet, when the Israelites presented their request for a new king to the Lord, the Lord did not immediately say yes to the request. He did not immediately condemn the wicked leaders. Instead, He rebuked the Israelites for rejecting Him, didn’t want the Lord to be their king any longer, continually abandoned Him, and followed other gods. I thought it’s normal to become negative and upset when we see injustice in our country, and we should pray and ask for God to give us a trustworthy leader to lead us and the country. (Indeed, we should pray for this for the right reason). Sometimes I thought other countries’ leaders are better than the leaders in our countries, and I thought, why can’t we be like them (like how the Israelites want a king to judge them “like all the other nations have.”)But here, God is saying He is the king, and we should really look up to Him. We were too caught up in the negative news. But God says, fix our eyes upon Him, not just the situation. Also, are we living our life the way that God desires for us to live? Or were we became weary and living our life just like anybody else without following God Himself?
May we pray the Lord’s prayer upon our country:
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done,on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and forever. Amen.
Again, Your kingdom come; Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. God is here, and God is for us and with us. May we boldly ask for God’s kingdom to come on this earth, this country, the place where we are living now.
Partner With God Activation
1. Pray that our eyes fix upon God Himself, not blinded by the chaos and negative situation.
2. What is our role as God’s people during this chaos? Pray and ask God what He wants us to do. It could be as simple as giving and helping those in need (e.g. donate food and clothing), or giving a prophetic/encouraging message to someone (you may ask for His instruction).
Bless you.
Written By: Denise Lim
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